Atonement in Lutheran Orthodoxy: Abraham Calov

"Atonement by vicarious satisfaction is at the center of all Christian doctrine. It is the foundation of the forgiveness of sins, justification, and faith.... Therefore it is the principal target of attack. It is a unique object of derision. It arouses the fiercest resentment and opposition, a concert of hostile criticism....

That so few contemporary pastors can read material like Calov on the atonement in Latin and German is one of the factors cutting off today’s Lutherans from their Lutheran spiritual inheritance. The contributors to this volume raise awareness of the importance of delivering this inheritance into English. To produce a translation worthy of Calov and the matters at stake, we engaged esteemed and prolific translator Matthew Carver.... The church is fortunate that it has a theologian living today, Jack D. Kilcrease, that we could engage to produce the commentary paired here with Carver’s translation of Calov that can rank with the commentary on Quenstedt by [Robert] Preus."

Translation by Matthew Carver

Commentary by Jack D. Kilcrease

Biographical Introduction by Timothy R. Schmeling

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