Encyclopedia of Martin Luther and the Reformation

The Encyclopedia of Martin Luther and the Reformation is a comprehensive global study of the life and work of Martin Luther and the movements that followed him—in history and through today. Organized by a stellar advisory board of Luther and Reformation scholars, the encyclopedia features nearly five hundred entries that examine Luther’s life and impact worldwide. The two-volume set provides overviews of basics such as the 95 Theses as well as more complex topics such as reformational distinctions. Entries explore Luther’s contributions to theology, sacraments, his influence on the church and contemporaries, his character, and more. The work also discusses Luther’s controversies and topics such as gender, sexuality, and race. Publishing at the five hundredth anniversary of the Reformation, this is an essential reference work for understanding the Reformation and its legacy today.

Contributed entries: “Adiaphoristic Controversy,” “Antinomian Controversies,” “Crypto-Calvinistic Controversy,” “Flacian Controversy,” “Luther’s Views on the Incarnation,” “Lutheran Orthodoxy,” “Mystical Union” “Matthias Flacius Illyricus,” and “Philippism."

Reviews:Samuel Dubbelman, Assistant Professor of Church History at Lutheran Theological Seminary - Hong Kong on Reading Religion: A Publication of the American Academy of Religion wrote:

"Faced with piles of books on Luther, where should you begin? One of the best places to get acquainted with Luther and the field of Luther studies is now the two-volume Encyclopedia of Martin Luther and the Reformation (EMLAR)....

EMLAR is an impressive accomplishment of some of the best scholars working on the Reformation today. I highly recommend it not only as an introduction to Luther, but also for a general orientation on why people are still interested in Luther today."

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