How to Understand the Sacred Scriptures

From the Clavis Scripturæ Sacræ

The Lutheran Reformation sprang from the Scriptures and drew its doctrine from the Scriptures. But many who read the Scriptures came away from them with different interpretations. What was the right interpretation? Luther had toppled the papacy, but would each Christian with a Bible in essence become his or her own pope, interpreting Scripture in his or her own way, with each interpretation real for the interpreter, even if for no one else? This is a question as pertinent today as in Flacius' time. How can we truly understand the Sacred Scriptures? Thankfully, the Scriptures themselves provide the answer. In this pioneering work of biblical hermeneutics, Flacius provides the reader with a reliable way to know, not what the Scriptures mean for him or her, but what the Scriptures actually and objectively mean, as Scripture interprets itself.

Contributed essay titled: "The Life and Theological Contribution of Matthias Flacius Illyricus."

Reviews:Philippe Deblois, Vice President at Dynatrace on Good Reads wrote:

"This is a fantastic book for learning the proper way to read and understand Scripture. The introduction by Dr. Kilcrease is an excellent introduction to Flacius and the material presented. A must read for students of the Word."

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