Books: including chapters and selected contributions
The History of Christian Doctrine, 100 AD - the PresentLutheran Dogmatics: The Evangelical-Catholic Faith for an Age of Contested TruthJustification: Biblical, Historical, and Systematic PerspectivesAtonement in Confessional Lutheran Theology: Jack D. KilcreaseAtonement in Confessional Lutheran Theology: Franz PieperAtonement in Lutheran Orthodoxy: Abraham CalovAtonement in Lutheran Orthodoxy: Baier-WaltherCommon Places in Christian TheologyAtonement in Lutheran Orthodoxy: Johannes QuenstedtAthens and WittenbergJustification by the Word: Restoring Sola FideConfessional Lutheran Dogmatics: Holy ScriptureThe Doctrine of AtonementAquinas Among the ProtestantsEncyclopedia of Martin Luther and the ReformationGod’s Word is Our Great HeritageMartin Luther in His Own WordsThe Self-Donation of GodHow to Understand the Sacred Scriptures