Reconciliation through the Spirit in the Means of Grace

The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead works through the Word and Sacrament ministry of the Church to share the universal and objective “not guilty” verdict of the Father. This verdict comes through the message of the death and resurrection of the Messiah.  Those who receive the proclamation of justification by faith secure the very presence of the risen Jesus in the power of the Spirit.  As the great cosmic judge, the Son of Man, Jesus now mediates the same verdict and presence he proleptically shared with the eschatological Israel in his earthly ministry through the Church. 

The Church is defined by the means of grace to which Jesus has attached his Name, that is, his presence.  Therefore, to be in contact with the means of grace is to both be in contact with the risen Jesus, and his body/bride the Church.  The Church and the Divine Service (Gottesdienst) is the replacement for the Temple (Eph. 2:19-22) and its service. This is because the Church and its Divine Service are now the body of Jesus, the true eschatological Temple in the flesh (Jn. 1:14).  As the Son of Man, Jesus proleptically elected and worked justification in the midst of the outcastes of Israel.  He told his hearers beforehand what verdict he would render on them in light of their belief or unbelief in his words of judgment and grace.1

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