Now, Baptism Saves through Confession and Absolution

The simul of Christian existence necessitates the sacrament of confession and absolution.  Additionally, an intimate connection exists between baptism and confession and absolution.  In On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, Martin Luther initially stated that there are three sacraments: baptism, confession and absolution, and the Lord’s Supper.  By the end of the treatise, he changed his mind and reduced the number of sacraments to only two, namely baptism and the Lord’s Supper.  This is not because Luther disregarded the sacramentality of the word of absolution, but rather because he saw absolution as derivative of the gospel-promise present in baptism.1

The Problem of Post-Baptismal Sin

In the ancient Church, there was a strong and appropriate sense of baptism as the definitive rupture between the old life and the new life, including the final eschatological purification.  Nevertheless, early Christians fell into a profound misunderstanding of this rupture due to both legalism and trust in an overly realized eschatology.  Many reasoned that since baptism brought a final purification from sins, then the Church could not forgive post-baptismal sin. The teaching that baptism could not be repeated further reinforced this conclusion. After all, how could a Christian who sinned after his baptism regain salvation when the Church could not baptized him anew?

Yet, practically speaking, the pervasive nature of sin made it difficult to sustain the doctrine that Christians lost their salvation by sinning after baptism.  One direct consequence of this teaching was that people delayed baptism and, therefore, also their full participation in the life of the Church.  Such a doctrine was simply unrealistic about the possibility of remaining sinless in an age in which sin and death persist even for believers. 

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The Royal Priesthood and the Authority of the Church

The Royal Priesthood possesses access to the truth of Scripture through the sacraments in a manner analogous to how the Son and the Spirit proceed from the Father.  Just as the persons of the Trinity contain the same divine ousia, so likewise the Bible, the Lord’s Supper, and baptism all contain the same gospel message.  Similarly, just as there is a Son and a Spirit as self-communications of the Father, so too there is a sacrament of the Spirit (baptism) and a sacrament of the Son (the Eucharist). Likewise, just as the Father is the fount of divinity and therefore the source of the Son and the Spirit from all eternity and as well as the sender of Son and Spirit in their missions within time, so too, the Bible authorizes baptism and the Lord’s Supper.  Finally, just as the Son and the Spirit are the exegetes of the Father in eternity and in the history of redemption recorded in Scripture, they also serve as exegetes for the Royal Priesthood gathered around Word and Sacrament. 

In baptism, the Spirit gives the Triune Name to believers so that they might call on the Lord in faith and repentance.  Such faith and repentance invariably leads the believer to the Son and his work.  Because the believer has called upon the Name of the Lord given in baptism for repentance, he now gains access to the Son’s sacrificed body and blood given in the Eucharist for the forgiveness of sins.  Hence, faith and an encounter with Christ in the unilateral promise of the gospel through the public ministry of the Church gives the Royal Priesthood of believers an accurate perspective from which to read and understand the Bible. It also therefore provides a means of testing all teachers and ministers in the Church.1

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